Learn About Types of Visa before Applying For Australian Immigration

There is no shortage of consultancies in India, which renowned for offering the visa and immigration solutions to various countries. These companies assist potential applicants to acquire visa and immigration. We know you must be seeking for best immigration consultant who can help you get your Australian visa without any hazards.

Immigration Consultants For Australia in Mumbai
Immigration Consultants For Australia in Mumbai
You should know that there are many immigration agents in the market who indulge in fraudulent activities related to visa & immigration filing process. Therefore, taking help from reliable and trustworthy Australian Immigration Agents in Mumbai can save you from these frauds. But before that you need to be very specific with your purpose, ' why are you seeking for Australian visa?'. There are different categories in which you visa application falls according to the purpose. Before hiring a visa or immigrant consultant you need to know about these categories.

Australian Immigration Agents in Mumbai
Australian Immigration Agents in Mumbai

By looking over these categories you will learn which type of visa you need, this is very important before choosing the best agent from Immigration Consultants For Australia in Mumbai who can apply & process your visa efficiently & can deal with the upcoming hurdles.

Let's Take A Look Over These Categories.

Tourist: Permit Temporary entry to visitors for tourism.

Business Visitor Visa: Permit Temporary entry to visitors for a business purpose such as government inquiries, negotiation for the contract, seminars and job interview etc.

Transit visa: This type of visa allows the holder to pass through a country only, he cannot stay there.

Medical Treatment: It permits entry to Australia to patients for medical treatment or medical consultations.

Temporary Work (Short Stay): Permit stays in the country for short period to work in various industries.

Student: Permits stay in the country to acquire an education in college or university of Australia.

Temporary Residence: It provides the entry for a temporary basis to people who are able to contribute to the cultural, social and economic development of the country.

Family-Partner: This temporary visa allow you to live in Australia because of your spouse who is a citizen of the country.

Family-Child: Same as above with the child who is a citizen of Australia.

Family-Other: Same as above (relationship with an Australian citizen).

Resident-Return: This visa option is for those who are permanent of Australia residents either current or former, or former Australian citizens that want to re-enter Australia.

Citizenship by Descent: If someone's parent was an Australian citizen at time of his birth or he was born in Australia, then he can attain the citizenship under this.

Concentrate here: Things to Know Before hiring Australian Immigration Agents.


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